From Indonesia to the UK the mosque is the quintessential Islamic building in its many ways. The mosque, a masjid in Arabic, is the spot where Muslims assemble to pray. Masjid means “place of prostration.” While most of the five regular prayers recommended in Islam can be held elsewhere, all people are expected to assemble for Friday noon prayer at the mosque. Mosques are often used for worship, study, or merely as a place to relax and think during the week. A mosque’s architecture, construction, and design will tell us a lot about Islam in general, but also about the time and area the mosque was being built in.
A mosque’s architecture is often influenced by the cultural customs of the time and places it was set up in. The consequence is that type, arrangement, and decoration can differ considerably. However, owing to the mosque’s traditional purpose as a place of congregational prayer, many architectural elements exist in mosques all over the world.
There are some core elements of the mosque; such as sahn/courtyard, niche/mihrab, minaret/tower, Qubba/dome, and furnishings. The most basic requirement of mosque architecture is that it should accommodate a community’s population. The mosques will have a large hall of worship for that reason. It is adjoined to an open courtyard in several mosques, called a sahn.
Another important feature in the architecture of a mosque is a mihrab — a niche in the wall marking the path of Mecca, to which all Muslims pray. Mecca is the location of the most famous Islamic building, the Kaaba. The qibla is considered the path of Mecca, and thus the wall on which the mihrab is located is considered the qibla wall. Wherever a mosque is, the mihrab shows the location of Mecca (or about as close to that location as science and geography might put it).
Next, one of the most visible features of mosque architecture is the minaret, a tower next to or attached to a mosque from which is proclaimed the call to prayer. Another visible aspect is the qubba. Many mosques also feature one or two domes, in Arabic called qubba. While not a ceremonial prerequisite like the mihrab, inside the mosque a dome does hold meaning — as a symbolic reflection of the vault of heaven. This symbolism is also illustrated by the interior decoration of a dome, using elaborate geometric, stellate, or vegetal motifs to produce beautiful designs designed to impress and encourage.
The majority of mosques have other architectural features common to them. A large calligraphic frieze, for example, or a cartouche with a conspicuous inscription sometimes occurs over the mihrab. The calligraphic inscriptions are mainly quoted from the Qur’an.
Assiry Art has professional teams to make those mosque elements based on your desire. We are experienced and have joined many projects. You can check our artworks in the portfolio gallery. With luxury Islamic art, transform your building! CV. Assiry Art provides luxury ornaments depicting beautiful Arabic calligraphy and mosques. Our art turns every space into a welcoming place to enjoy art and beauty. Our goods are custom-made to order which ensures that at the time of your order, each stuff is made only for you. Most of the artworks can be given on a multi-piece collection that makes the art you buy even more special. We’re sure you’ll love adding our art to your mosque.